Why Bluespot?
We all have blue spot stories, and here is Staci's, owner of bluespot YOGA:
One day I discovered blue ink spots all over my new yoga clothes. Then, I found why: my husband had left an ink pen in his pocket that went through the wash. My immediate reaction wasn’t a kind one.
Fast forward a few weeks and I’m homesick. I had just started my first 200hr training, it was a month-long, full-immersion training that took me far from my husband + 18mo old. A few days into the program I was considering giving up, then I happened to look down at my blue spot-covered clothes and realized they were with me. I felt at peace. I realized that one-day blue spots can ruin your day and the next they make it. So, embrace life’s blue spots.
One-day blue spots can ruin your day, and the next they make it.
e m b r a c e l i f e ’ s b l u e s p o t s